How Can Bryant Research Help Me?
► Brand Communications
What do Fortune 500 companies value in an Executive Education program?
…designed and conducted executive interviews with purchase decision makers across the United States. Results focused key messages needed to attract and to retain this customer base. It also identified the most credible information sources and related rationales from the customers' points of view.
What strategies will best position our company and increase account acquisition?
…designed and conducted qualitative and quantitative research for a major beverage manufacturer and developed strategies for positively impacting public opinion regarding this manufacturer's brand. Management used information from this research to take a multi-year contract away from a leading competitor.
What is our brand essence and do our collateral materials clearly reinforce our key brand messages?
…worked with the nation's leading non-food pet product manufacturer to test brand communications. Resulted in adoption of a logo that continues to communicate as desired and has successfully supported tagline updates and sub-brands over the last decade.
What is the best co-branding strategy for promoting sales of a national soft drink brand and nationally branded snack foods?
…worked with multiple clients and organizations conducting focus group research designed to develop product-positioning statements for the launch of a national co-branded consumer products campaign. Results from this qualitative work formed the basis for quantitative testing and enhanced co-branding efforts.
► Public Perception
Are my key messages in line with what my customers value, and if so, is my collateral material supporting this brand positioning?
…designed and conducted customer value interviews in the United States and in Western Europe. Results of this research were used by the world's second largest specialty chemical company to develop key messages, design service training and to select images for a worldwide print campaign based on buyers' expectations, needs and values. Similar work has been conducted for clients in other sectors.
Will this hospital merger or acquisition violate anti-trust?
…designed and conducted surveys in a number of markets to investigate anti-trust allegations around acquisitions and mergers. Results of these surveys were used by HCFA and the FTC, and were reviewed in Federal Court to dispel allegations of trade restraint.
How can we increase press coverage of our company's products?
…designed and conducted a national survey on attitudes about pet ownership and broadcast the results in press releases that were picked up by the Associated Press, CNN and the American Pet Product Manufacturer's Association. This focused a national spotlight on new product introductions. Similar successes have been achieved for several national fast food chains.
► Employee Communications
How can I be sure that my employee communications are effective?
…designed and conducted employee survey for military installations around politically sensitive communications. Research resulted in actionable information for the client and an award from the Public Relations Society of America, Maryland Chapter, Best in Maryland Research / Evaluation, 2005.
► New Product Development
What is our market potential and which products have the greatest potential?
…worked with the nation's leading non-food pet product company to incorporate the voice of the consumer into product development. Results of this work are used to prioritize new product development, in guiding product improvement as well as to determine product awareness and preference. This research has supported double-digit profits over the last decade.
► Marketing Strategy
How does an organization determine if its current satisfaction study truly measures behaviors that impact satisfaction and customer retention?
…designed and conducted customer value determination research for a healthcare system identifying critical behaviors. The results from this research have been incorporated into employee orientation, leadership education and were used to update the patient satisfaction survey. Work on this survey was recognized by the State of Tennessee's Center for Performance Excellence (training center for the Baldrige Award) and incorporated into training. Similar work has been conducted for other clients in healthcare and in other sectors.
What approach should a large physician group use to increase patient referrals?
…developed and conducted both qualitative and quantitative studies designed to identify major issues around patient compliance and referrals for a large specialty physician group. Results from this research have formed the basis for a subtly branded education and outreach strategy designed to increase awareness and referrals for a top physician group.